Sunday, January 9, 2011


Christmas was very good to us. We drove 15 hours around Texas to see both of our families. Christmas Eve we drove to Jacob's mother's house. We spent Christmas morning opening presents. As we ate breakfast I knew instinctively that I wanted my children to grow up in the warm and welcoming atmosphere in which I was surrounded.

Unfortunately Christmas morning brought a small tragedy. I got a call that Zoe has ran away from her puppy-sitter. We have not been able to locate her. At this point I can only hope she found a loving home.

Christmas afternoon we headed over to Fort Worth to Jacob's uncle. I was able to meet several relatives on Jacob's father's side. Jacob's uncle seems to live a really inspiring lifestyle; Jacob had mentioned that I was a poultry science, and he showed me his very elaborate and impressive pigeon house. He has spent his life completing projects, one after another.  He picks a project and becomes an expert at it. It was so inspiring! 

We made the long drive to my mother's house and spent some time with my family before making the long drive home.

Jacob and I celebrated my birthday with a quiet evening at home. He made steak and margaritas. I drank way too many margaritas. ;) It was the most fantastic birthday ever!

Jacob performed on New Year's Eve at Messina Hof. I spent the evening at the wine bar, sipping Beau and chatting up a storm. Everyone loved Jacob; he really was a hit! I made my first New Year's cabbage with pork fat. Jacob doesn't care for black-eyed peas, which I vow to change his mind. So we had ranch styled beans instead. It was fantastic.

This year will be the season of tomatoes, hummingbirds, and squeaky cleanness. We spent the first few days of this new year deep cleaning the house. New year, new start. Right? We have challenged ourselves to maintain this level of squeaky cleanness. I plan to have plant lots of tomatoes, because Jacob and I eat a lot of tomato products. Onions, tomatillos, and maybe even peppers will be in my garden. Speaking of, I plan to have a flower garden to attract hummingbirds this fall. I also want to take a vacation. It's been long overdue. Maybe to the beach? We'll see. Lots of plans, lots of dreams. I love it.

--Christine Nichole

Saturday, December 18, 2010


I am starting to feel a bit better and my nose is healing lovely. I have been  saw something today that reminded me that I have been fighting allergies for several more months than I had originally remembered. I actually been fighting allergies since about March of this year. I have been reflecting on this past year, where I am at now, and my goals for next year. My plans for the future are now right next door, and I can only hope that I will be ready for them. I am super excited to see where God brings my relationship with Jacob. I am super thankful that he entered my life when he did. He really has seen me through a lot. He's the most loving man I have ever met, and I am the luckiest lady alive to receive his love. I am very blessed.

-Christine Nichole

Monday, December 13, 2010

First post by me!!

Hello, I am posting also because my sweets made this sweet blog for us. She just had her surgery and is starting to feel better now. It was rough for awhile, but now she is starting to get up and around on her own. Things are going pretty well in general we have better jobs and should have some money for the holidays. Things are looking better and hopefully they will continue to get even better!!

First Post

I had my sinus surgery on Dec. 8. The surgery is suppose to relieve a lot of allergy problems that I have been having over the last 7 months. We are getting  a whole slew of troubles now that the surgery is over with. The surgery had its complications, and it's been very hard on both Jacob and I. I am extremely irritable, sore, and extremely fatigued. I really hate feeling this helpless. It is day 6 since the surgery, and I am just now comfortable walking by myself for short distances. I have been quite demanding. Jacob has handled my aggressive helplessness very gracefully. Don't get me wrong, I am very grateful for everyone who has helped me out. I just feel really badly for everyone around me as well. Can we please put Jacob into some scrubs and call him SUPERMAN?! This is a shout out to Jacob, Lukas, Benton, Gator, and everyone who helped out or sent encouraging words and prayers my way. I love all of you! I could really use some prayers because we are still having complications, I am having trouble replacing the fluids that I am loosing, and my recovery is going slower than expected. Please send Jacob an encouragement as well!  He may need it! 

Christine Nichole